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Friday, July 7, 2017

Re: Ronaldo has become a father, of a trial pregnant girlfriend Georgina

Kanphederasana Cup yesterday after the now departed Ronaldo, Spain ibijama manairaheka seen his premikajarjina rodrigvejasamga. His girlfriend, a woman she had seen tight jamputama. Photos jarjinako great views stomach is unusual. Similarly, according to another British magazine The SUN ronaldoki the trial that was five months pregnant girlfriend. By SUN ronaldoki trial that was about to give birth to their daughter girlfriend in October. Ronaldo and his girl companion by the promoter of what is public image. Giving birth to the fourth child of the sagaim Ronaldo. Earlier, three sons born through surrogacy Ronaldo gave birth this time, however, know all about the child's mother has to be

June 23, Kathmandu. Portugal and Real Madrid star so while there are some famous names. Ronaldo just because of the twin sons of the Father, so when masts are persecuting. In the meantime, a trial has been pregnant for ronaldoki girlfriend Georgina. According to the Daily Mail British news magazine ronaldoki pregnant girlfriend in a trial that is. June 23, Kathmandu. Portugal and Real Madrid star so while there are some famous names. Ronaldo just because of the twin sons of the Father, so when masts are persecuting. In the meantime, a trial has been pregnant for ronaldoki girlfriend Georgina. According to the Daily Mail British news magazine ronaldoki pregnant girlfriend in a trial that is.

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